Defends the rights of tribal populations by improving access to education, professional skills, health care and social rights.
Access to education for girls in this region is a matter of concern where multiple factors exacerbate the current situation. Gender discrimination in educational preferences compared to boys always leaves girls behind, as they are responsible for household chores and raising younger siblings in the absence of parents,
India POPE
Promote the protection of the human rights of Dalit and tribal women and children. And promote the autonomy and emancipation of women through the development of training and professional activities.
The main problem is the lack of accessibility to education. Illiteracy is very high, so it is very difficult to make Dalits aware of their rights regarding land, access to public or religious places, the possibility of having recourse to justice in the event of violence or abuse by non-Dalits. Lack of education and years of oppression keep Dalits in a process close to slavery.
Thrift stores
AMOU Project
In our area of intervention, the distance from public drilling leads the inhabitants of the villages, from the bush to obtain supplies from open wells, which dry up in dry periods and are often polluted. The water supply is also from a river whose water is polluted (Amou River). This lack of drinking water has serious repercussions on daily life as well as on the economy of families. It is an important vector of diseases such as trachoma, cholera, typhoid fever and schistosomiasis.
The Ilé Bahé public school, drilling area, has no drinking water point at the school and in the surrounding villages.
Senegal Project
TdHF-AL68 decided to train several young people in market gardening, horticulture and arboriculture.
This is why 21 young people followed two years of training to acquire sufficient knowledge to practice the profession of market gardener.
This basic training is followed by training in management and accounting. This first wave is now able to exploit a market gardening area.
These training courses will be followed by the creation of a market gardening area. It is this project which is the basis of the learning.
Haiti Project
The Foyer Maurice Sixto, located in Carrefour in the western suburbs of Port-au-Prince, helps restavek children in this region. It pursues two goals: to offer them a different perspective of life and at the same time, to carry out awareness-raising activities in order to change their image among the population who consider them as second-class children.
Bangladesh Project
Period 2022 – 2025
Promote professional integration through access to office training for vulnerable young people in Bangladesh with awareness of a sustainable environment in their area.
Creation or renovation of 4 training centers in the Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar region. These training courses are free for all students and lead to an official diploma.