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Who are we ?

An international solidarity association


Terre des Hommes France - Association Locale du Haut-Rhin (TdHF-AL68) is an International Solidarity Association (ASI) since 1998. It is managed by a Board of Directors which sets up various international solidarity projects (there ) and organizes numerous events here in Alsace in order to finance these multiple projects.

TdHF-AL68 places its actions there through development, advocacy and humanitarian aid to enable targeted populations to improve their living conditions and prepare a better future for their children while respecting their cultures, traditions and beliefs. Today, inequalities between countries and within countries continue to grow ever more, there is a North in the countries of the South and a South in the countries of the North. Terre des Hommes France AL68 is committed on a daily basis to defending fundamental rights which must be accessible to everyone in all forms of society. Acting in partnership is the basis of our actions! Our relationships with our partners are based on equality and respect for diversity. The solidarity that we defend is based on sharing and reciprocity and not on assistance or paternalism.

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Our vision

Terre des Hommes France AL68 considers that all women, all men and all children have the right to live with dignity. Our vision of sustainable, socially and economically just development involves respect for fundamental human rights, including Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights.


Our mission


TdHF-AL68 works with developing countries to promote, defend and implement the fundamental human rights of disadvantaged populations and contributes to the construction of a civil and democratic society. We are involved here, in Alsace, in raising awareness and education about rights, fighting against exclusion through the collection, sale and donations of textiles, linen, shoes and accessories.


Our beliefs


The empowerment of local actors remains one of Td’s prioritiesHF-AL68. Thus, we rely on a network of partner associations working with those who suffer injustice. Together, they support the populations. Strengthened, these populations become, in turn, autonomous local actors capable of defending and enforcing their rights.



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