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India Synergy Project


Partner:                           Synergy

Duration of the contract:              3 years

Last contract:                  from July 2023 to June 2026

Total budget:                      90,000 euros

Partner of Terre des Hommes FranceAL68for several years,Synergyis a non-profit organization, based in Harda in the Madya Pradesh region of India. 

India is the second most populous country and the seventh largest country in the world. The Indian coastline stretches for more than seven thousand kilometers. The country shares borders with Pakistan to the west, China, Nepal, and Bhutan to the north and northeast, and Bangladesh and Burma to the east. On the Indian Ocean, India is close to the Maldives to the southwest, Sri Lanka and Indonesia to the southeast.


Madhya Pradesh is a state in central India. Its capital is Bhopal. It is rich in mineral resources. There are the largest diamond and copper reserves in India. 25.14% of its area is covered by forests. The Narmada-Tapti systems carry a huge volume of water and provide drainage for almost a quarter of the area of Madhya Pradesh. The Narmada River is considered very sacred and is worshiped throughout the region. It is the main source of water and constitutes a lifeline for the state.

The population of Madhya Pradesh is made up of a number of ethnic groups and tribes, castes and communities. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes constitute a significant portion of the state's population, 15.6% and 21.1%, respectively. The major tribal groups of Madhya Pradesh are the Gond, Bhil, Baiga, Korku, Bhadia (or Bhariya), Halba, Kaul, Mariya, Malto and Sahariya. According to the 2011 census, the tribal population of Madhya Pradesh was 15.34 million, which was 21.1% of the total population. There were 46 recognized Scheduled Tribes and three of these were identified as “special primitive tribal groups”


Harda is a district in the south-western part of Madhya Pradesh. The district has an area of 2,644 km2, and a population of 570,465 (2011 census), an increase of 20.25% from 2001. Harda lies in the valley of the Narmada river, and the Narmada constitutes the northern boundary of the district. The land rises towards the Satpura range in the south. It is a predominantly tribal region where the Korku and Gond tribal groups form two-thirds of the total population. In the proposed project, 12 villages are proposed in Timarni block of Harda district, Madhya Pradesh, and a total of 1194 households are to be covered under the project, i.e. 6948 inhabitants. (Source: 2011 Census).

Access to education for girls in this region is a matter of concern where multiple factors exacerbate the current situation. Gender discrimination in educational preferences compared to boys always leaves girls behind, as they are responsible for household chores and raising younger siblings in the absence of parents, and the situation is made worse by the lack of available schools nearby, which excludes girls from access to school. After all these factors, if girls go to school, they have to face another challenge: sexual assault, discriminatory treatment from the school and their male counterparts in the school premises. Secondly, it is observed and reflected in the actions of adolescents, girls and boys, that they are neither aware of violence nor discrimination based on gender because it is transmitted from generation to generation and that it has therefore become a norm for them. Career choices and games are clearly tailored to boys and girls separately, for example playing cricket and Kabbadi are not sports played by girls in India, similarly being a soldier and policeman is not the preferred choice girls unlike boys in the same community. Third, community institutions in villages are not sanitized with regard to gender issues in their actions; there is still gender segregation in training and other programs, perpetuating norms of gender discrimination. Child marriage itself is a violation of many women’s rights, such as their exclusion from the formal education system and their being subject to sexual, mental and physical violence. The problem of malnutrition is widespread among the Korkus and Gonds, with greater magnitude among children, especially girls. Higher prevalence of child marriage, incidence of early pregnancy and reproductive health problems make them more vulnerable.



Objectives and expected results


The project will be carried out in partnership with Synergy for three years in 12 villages in the Harda district.




Improving the educational status of tribal girls and reducing gender-based violence in Harda district, Madhya Pradesh.

1. Improve girls’ access to education by changing discriminatory social norms.

2. Strengthen the capacities of girls and boys to help create a community climate favorable to gender equality.

3. Increase the activity of community institutions and regulate the implementation of policies relating to the rights of children and women.


Expected results


1. 800 students moved to the next class; 500 girls moved to the next class during the second and third year of the project period


2. 240 adolescent girls and young people take part in various activities and capacity building initiatives.


3. 36 statutory institutions are sensitized and empowered to act against gender discrimination and gender-based violence.

4. 200 young people trained in environmental rights and actions to ensure environmental protection. 1000 community members will be reached by the campaign and celebrations on various days.





Terre des Hommes France AL68

18 rue de la République  68500 Guebwiller |   03 89 62 10 92

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