Acerca de
Bangladesh Project
Partner: SOLINFO
Duration of the contract: 3 years
Last contract: from September 2022 to June 2025
Total budget: 60,000 euros with a grant from the Grand Est of €6,400
The TDHF-AL 68 association and SOLINFO have worked together for around ten years. In a previous partnership in Bangladesh with the Shuktara association, we were looking for computer training for around a hundred teachers, in charge of academic reinforcement for schoolchildren in the tribal region of Chittagong Hill Tracts (Bangladesh). The Solinfo association was then recommended to us by the French Embassy in Dhaka. In the years 2012-2015, she was able to train all of us as teachers by traveling to the villages. At the end of our partnership contract with Shuktara, it was only natural that we started a new collaboration with Solinfo.
Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world. The State is pursuing a significant development policy with the aim of reducing poverty. The population represents 180 million inhabitants, 72% of whom live in rural and peri-urban areas. This country is the most densely populated on the planet with 1040 inhabitants / km2. This population is overwhelmingly Muslim since this religion represents 90%, for 9% Hinduism. Even if unemployment represents 5% of the population of working age (legally from 16 years old), this percentage reaches a level of 8% for women and 10% for young people.
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At the local level, in the peri-urban areas of Dhaka and Chittagong, unemployment is twice as high as in the rest of the country because many young people and their families move closer to big cities to have the chance to find a job that provides security. their future other than working to perpetuate family land in the countryside. These young people are for the most part unqualified and find themselves in a very precarious situation, pushing young girls in particular to marry very young before the age of 18. This latter phenomenon is also the subject of awareness raising among local staff among young girls. The goal is for these young girls to gain enough self-confidence to take advantage of the diploma obtained by Solinfo before rushing towards marriage which continues to constitute a refuge for them with a husband who will provide the household income.
By offering training that takes place in their neighborhood or even in the center that welcomes them for their schooling, Solinfo is part of the following system:
the national “Digital Bangladesh” project, the State has developed numerous office automation training centers. However, these training courses are paid for and are concentrated in large urban centers, de facto excluding poor populations.
Programs to reduce poverty and inequalities implemented by our partners welcome the Training Centers.
Corruption is the main problem to be fought against. Solinfo’s intervention helps protect against this:
By a rigorous administration which diverts the attempts of certain
Evaluation visits by Solinfo and TDHF AL 68 which provide support for the action of the Country Manager and strengthen its authority
Ensure the successful completion of actions
The local team and the evaluation missions ensure that the partnership agreements are respected and therefore that the allocated resources go to the targeted beneficiaries. It is also about partnerships with local businesses seeking certainty regarding the proper use of donations.
Transform the current model towards more autonomy. For the moment, the project is not self-sufficient even if it is moving in the right direction. Without our action, the Centers would close one by one, due to lack of resources and control. A reflection is underway in order to change the operating model resulting from the paradigms which prevailed 15 years ago but are no longer relevant.
The results of the last three years confirm us in this path of support. The number of young employees and the increasingly important valuation of the diploma, reinforce
the authority of the Country Manager, keeps corruption away and encourages the search for donations from local businesses.
The local team is considering financial autonomy for the project locally in order to sustain this action over time without our interventions - making the project economically sustainable. A partnership with UNICEF-Bangladesh could be considered, contacts have been made in this direction. Sponsorship from local businesses is also considered.
Indirect beneficiaries of the project, they could participate in the financial support of the Training Centers. The route of sponsorship from local businesses is identified as a sustainable financing solution for the Centers. This funding would complement charity sales (sales of clothing donated by large textile companies with which Solinfo is in partnership). These charity sales now provide a significant financial contribution which covers half of the operating budget.
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General objective of the project
Promote the professional integration of vulnerable young people aged 14 to 20, mainly young girls, in the tertiary sector through professional training in office automation.
Specific objectives
1. Diploma training for vulnerable young people in office automation.
2. Introduction to sustainable development goals and awareness of environmental protection
3. Improved connection of students with local businesses
4. Creation of a new training center.
5. Renovation/Development of three office automation training centers.
Expected results
1. Diploma training for young people:
Each of the 4 centers will train 24 young people per year in 2 sessions of 12 students, i.e. 96 more young people will be trained in office automation per year, 288 young people for the 3 years of the program. The office automation training of these young people will be fully financially supported by the new project.
100% of young people trained will graduate
2. Introduction to sustainable development goals and awareness of environmental protection
288 young people will have followed an online introduction to the sustainable development goals
1 environmental protection/preservation activity will be carried out per center and session
3. Improved connection of students with local businesses
288 students / 3 years will have all written a CV at the end of the session
288 students / 3 years will have benefited from the connection with local businesses
The teachers will have monitored the students after their training
4. Creation of a new professional training center
1 space will be fitted out and transformed into a training room
5. Renovation / Development of 3 professional office training centers
Center will have its IT equipment renewed (computers, IPS, etc.)
2 Centers previously created by TDH France AL68 will continue their activities
Terre des Hommes France AL68
18 rue de la République 68500 Guebwiller | 03 89 62 10 92