Act with us
I join
You too, get involved with us!
Joining Terre des Hommes France AL68 means being a member of an international solidarity association which makes human rights and dignity the heart of its fight.
Membership allows you to get involved in the life of the association.
By becoming a member, you will be represented at the General Assembly and will be able to vote there. You will also have the opportunity to join our actions.
Membership in Terre des Hommes France AL68 is valid from January 1 to December 31 of the current year.
Member (Contribution of 10 euros)
And if you wish, also become a volunteer: we need your commitment and your skills!
An integral culture of the association, volunteer commitment is considered a primordial strength, regardless of the time you can devote to it. We are therefore looking for varied profiles for varied missions.
For more
I give
Register your commitment in the present or in the long term
Land of menAL68relies on the generosity of its donors to carry out its mission of defending and promoting human rights. The primary resource of our association, your donations and legacies finance and enable our actions to succeed.
Make a donation
Making a donation is a way of taking on, alongside Terre des Hommes France AL68 and the most vulnerable around the world, challenges for human dignity and respect for rights.
You can personally make a donation, but also imagine original "collective" forms of donations by mobilizing your connections: collection for a wedding, a retirement party, an invitation to your friends. ..
Make a legacy
To leave a legacy today is to commit to tomorrow. As a bequest, any person can choose to give all or part of their property, through their will, to a recognized association of general interest.
Do you want to keep the values and struggles of Terre des Hommes France AL 68 alive over the long term? By making our association your legatee, you are part of a process of extending your commitment over the long term. Your legacy helps ensure the construction of a just future and a sustainable world for vulnerable populations and for future generations. Thanks to your generosity, we are moving forward with and for them.
I help strengthen the network
Open doors to build future partnerships
As part of our partnership policy, we are seeking support from public and private organizations (foundations, companies, institutions, etc.). So don’t hesitate to contact us if you know of an organization that could support us so that we can make contact!
I join the network
“Friends of Land of Men France"
The “Friends of Terre des Hommes France” network is an autonomous space for exchanges, reflection, pooling, support and capacity building, open freely and voluntarily to any legal entity (association, collective, company, local authority, foundation, etc.), apolitical and non-religious, and whose object and activities are in line with the values and vision held by Terre des Hommes France.
This network is a reservoir of skills and knowledge at the service of everyone. To find out more, log on to the websiteTerre des Hommes France.